Study of the problems of organizing the training in the system of higher education in Kazakhstan based on the implementation of the principles of the Bologna Declaration. Determination of learning factors, oriented on the personality of students.
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Problem definition In the Message of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N. Nazarbayev to the people of Kazakhstan Third modernization of Kazakhstan: global competitiveness (on January 31, 2017) is emphasized that is necessary for improvement of quality of the human capital: First of all has to change the role of education system. Our task - to make education of the central link for new model of economic growth. Training programs need to aim at development of abilities of critical thinking and skills of independent search information [1]. These tasks demand search of new ways of training of competitive experts in the higher educational institutions (HEI) entering into the European Space of the Higher Education (ESHE) as they bear responsibility for introduction of the principles of the Bologna declaration. Bologna Process exposed to revision of postulate because of processes of globalization and updating of tendencies by EPVO and there are following changes in it: - creation of EPVO; - consolidation of training at an extent of all life; - change of an educational paradigm to student aligned training; - wide use of results of training and development of new types of training and teaching. Recent research and analysis of publications: - conceptual provisions in the theory and practice of higher professional education (А.А.
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