Нарушения произвольной регуляции деятельности при обсессивно-компульсивных расстройствах с преобладанием двигательных ритуалов у больных шизофренией - Статья

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Статья Психиатрия Медицина Размещено: 09.01.2019
Сравнительный анализ уровня саморегуляции деятельности больных шизофренией, механизмов ее нарушения и их патопсихологических коррелятов при обсессивно-компульсивных расстройствах с преобладанием двигательных ритуалов в форме моторного перфекционизма.

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Аннотация к работе
To compare the level of self-regulation activity of schizophrenic patients, mechanisms of its dysfunction and their pathopsychological correlates in obsessive-compulsive disorders (OCD) with predominance of movement rituals have been studied in 51 patients, 34 men and 17 women, mean age 27,9±6,8 years. The sample has been stratified according to three types of movement obsessions: compulsions and compulsive rituals, contraction rituals and rituals in the form of motor perfectionism. Significant results are obtained between OCD types by level of self-regulation activity that may be due to the specifics of regulation processes disturbances underlying obsessive movements and their pathopsychological correlates. Therefore, movement obsessions in terms of the types singled out in the study are determined as by some regulation personality characteristics of patients as well as by the functional state of their voluntary regulation of activity as a whole. Specifically, in contrast to contraction rituals, compulsive rituals and rituals in the form of motor perfectionism are determined by the deficit of self-consciousness regulation function.

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