Nanostructured composites based on interpenetrated polymer networks: kinds, classification, properties, synthesis, application - Статья

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Using the polymer networks (IPN) principle in production of composite materials. Features of the epoxy and acrylate polyurethanes. Nanostructured composites based on interpenetrated polymer networks: kinds, classification, properties, application.

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Nanostructured composites based on interpenetrated polymer networks: kinds, classification, properties, synthesis, application O. Figovsky, D. Beilin Abstract Using an interpenetrating polymer networks (IPN) principle in production of composite materials provides an unique possibility to regulate their both micro- and nano- structures and properties. By changing the IPN formation conditions (as a result of polymerization and ratio of components, temperature, pressure, catalyst content, introduction of filler and or ionic group) one may obtain the material with desirable properties. Different types of IPN are prepared by using traditional polymers: polyurethanes, including nonisocyanate polyurethanes, epoxies and acrylates; non- organic filler scan be used as the cluster system. The article discusses their basic synthesis methods for IPNs their principal features and characteristics. Key words: interpenetrating polymer networks, cross linked polymers, classification of IPN, properties of IPN. Introduction poly

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