Meaning relations in paradigmatics and semantic classifications of words - Реферат

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Semantic fields and lexico-semantic groups. The individual terms are called hyponyms, they contain the meanings which distinguish them from each other. Antonyms and synonyms: general concept and specific classification. Synonymy viewed diachronically.

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Meaning relations in paradigmatics and semantic classifications of words Contents 1. Semantic fields and lexico-semantic groups. Hyponymy 2. Synonyms. Classification of synonyms viewed synchronically 3. Synonymy viewed diachronically. The sources of synonyms 4. Antonyms 1. Semantic fields and lexico-semantic groups. Hyponymy Modern English has a very extensive vocabulary. It may be classified in various ways. Here we are concerned only with semantic classification of words. Closely connected sectors of vocabulary characterized by a common concept are termed s e m a n t i c f i e l d s. E.g., the semantic field of colour (blue, black, red, etc.), terms of kinship (mother, father, brother, etc.). Synonyms and antonyms are language universals because they exist in all Indo-European languages. S y n o n y m s (Gr “syn” - with, “onyma” - name) are two or more words of the same language belonging to the same part of speech and possessing one or more identical or nearly identical denotative meanings, interchangeable at least in some contexts, but differing in morphemic structure, phonetic shape, shades of meaning, connotations, style and idiomatic use. They are distinguished in English, Ukrainian (and in other languages), e.g., synonymous nouns as end, close, termination, conclusion, finish, terminus, stopping; in Ukrainian: кінець, закінчення, зупинка,, огорожа/горожа, паркан, штахети, тин, живопліт, ліса; or: балакун, говорун, баляндрасник, торохтій, базікало, талалай; synonymous adjectives as conclusive, ending, final, terminal, completing, ultimate; in Ukrainian: кінцевій, останній, заключний, безмежний, безкраїй, безконечний, неосяжний, безмірний, неозорий, etc. synonymous verbs as the following: act, play, perform, rehearse, star, mimic, imitate, inact, play a part; in Ukrainian: діяти, виконувати, відігравати, брати участь, грати, бити, батожити, періщити, дубасити, лупити, лупцювати, гилити, etc. synonymous adverbs: surprisingly, unexpectedly, unawares, plump, pop, suddenly, and in Ukrainian: раптово, зненацька, негадана, як сніг на голову, швидко, скоро, прудко, хутко, шпарко, жваво, прожогом.

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