Consideration of mathematical modeling of the immune system in the process of disease with the immunodeficiency virus without treatment. Investigation of the dynamics of infection. Evaluation of the rate of reproduction of the virus in the blood.
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mathematic immunodeficiency reproductive virus Mathematical model of the dynamics of HIV infection without treatment АННОТАЦИЯ В данной статье рассматривается математическое и численное моделирование иммунной системы в процессе заболевания без лечения. Тем не менее, вирус ВИЧ-инфекции обладает достаточно высокой устойчивостью и не существует по мнению многих авторов эффективных лекарств, способных вылечить от данного вируса, так как ВИЧ обладает способностью мутироваться и размножаться в присутствии химических препаратов, которые предназначены для его лечения. Результаты проведенного численного решения системы дифференциальных уравнений, в данной работе показывают что: болезнь развивается и при малых концентрациях вируса; определённая стабильность уровня вируса не зависит от начальной концетрации инвазии.При отсутствии лечения,при воздействии между вирусом и клетками, вызываемый иммунный ответ должен быть значительно больше, чем скорость размножения вируса в крови; коэффициент скорости размножения неинфицированных клеток должен быть строго больше, чем коэффициент скорости гибели неинфицированных клеток Ключевые слова: математическое моделирование, взаимодействие, -клетки, вич, лекарство, иммунитет, инфекции, сопротивление, ремиссия, болезнь ANNOTATION immunodeficiency virus mathematical Mathematical model of the dynamics of HIV infection without treatment This article discusses the mathematical and numerical modeling of the immune system of the course of HIV infection without treatment. Presently a significant number of scientific papers are devoted to the study of this problem. However, HIV infection is highly volatile and there is no effective drug, in that HIV has the ability to mutate and reproduce itself in the presence of chemical substances that are meant to inhibit or destroy it. The mathematical models used in this paper are conceptual and exploratory in nature. The proposed mathematical model allow us to obtain a complete description of the dynamics of HIV infection, and also an understanding of the progression to AIDS. Thus, the results of the numerical solution of differential equations in this work show that: the disease develops, and at low concentration of the virus, a certain level of stability does not depend on the initial concentration of infestation. In the absence of treatment, for interesting competition between virus and the loss of virus caused by immune response should be strictly greater than the rate of multiplication of the virus in the blood; the reproduction rate of the uninfected cells should be stricly greater than the mortality rate of the uninfected cells. Keywords: mathematical modeling, interaction, -cells, hiv, drug, immunity, infection, resistance, remission, disease INTRODUCTION вирус иммунодефицит математический HIV infection is a slowly progresive disease [1] caused by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) [2,3].In the literature are mathematical models that describe the complex dynamics of the reaction of the immune system with the viruses present in it [4,5,6,7,8,]. These include infections, replications and mutations of viruses, antigen recognitions, activations and proliferations of lymphocytes, encounters and interactions of virions and lymphocytes.When a body is infected with HIV, the response against the pathogen gradually disrupts the immune system as the lymphocytes cells are infectecd and this makes the immune system not to function to its optimum capacity. However, most of the models make a simplifying assumption concerning the location of the infection (blood).
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