Marketing basic principles - Доклад

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Division of consumer groups. Types of segmentation: geographic, demographic, psychographic, behavioural. Principles, methods and criteria of market segmentation. Сharacteristics of marketing tools used in the business, the role of strategic planning.

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Marketing basic principles Nowadays, the creation of goods is no longer such an unprecedented and unique event, as it was before. Even just a half-century ago, the creation of something new to revolutionise and bring inventors profits. Now the main thing is not to create, but be able and effective promotion of the new product. There are many examples where products, which, in fact, was not unique or supernova became market leader for many years, because of competent marketing strategy. There is such a thing as market segmentation, which is a division of consumer groups. There are several principles, methods and criteria of market segmentation. Each product is unique and every customer is different, so there is no one particular principle or method. Each company should choose the very strategy of segmentation. The purpose of this report is to review and analyse the concepts and techniques of segmentation in order to clarify its role in the process of marketing practice, and to consider examples of successful m

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