Urgency of control and creation of new directions of biological preparations providing high production and ecological characteristics of cattle breeding. Use of the most widely used antibiotics in soil and water. Transformation of drugs on food canals.
Krasnoyarsk state agrarian university MAINTENANCE OF ECOLOGICAL SAFETY OF LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS Moroz A.A. Schislenko S.A. Jushkovskia U.M. Krasnoyarsk, Russia In the article the urgency of control and creation of new directions of the biological preparations providing high industrial and ecological characteristics of cattle-breeding production are reflected. Experience of cattle-breeding farms and complexes shows that the animal industries intensification often isnt accompanied by improvement of hygienic and veterinarno-sanitary conditions in cattle-breeding premises, has negative influence on health of animals, environment intensively becomes soiled. The big concentration of animals on the limited areas, not always the balanced feeding, action of various adverse factors reduces their natural resistance, efficiency and finally worsens quality of production. Quality of the cattle-breeding production received on a complex, on presence of microcells and other factors in 3-6 times more low in comparison with produc
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