Life and A.A. Ahmatovojs creativity - Реферат

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Family and the childhood of A. Ahmatova, her first steps in the poetry and the association of the poets-akmeist, marriage by N. Gumilev. The world of poetry Ahmatovoi - the world tragical, feeling of the native land, a pain about the native land.

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Introduction The Russian literature of 20 centuries developed roughly and is inconsistent. The Russian literature of 20 centuries is not only preservation and development of traditions of writers and poets of 19 centuries, it and the innovative approach to creation of new themes, images. 20 centuries in history of Russian poetry were unique time. At that time bright young poets at once have come to the literature many, talented and searching for new ways. The hobby for poetry was mass - approximately as now go on rock concerts. The poet, having got popularity, becomes a figure cult. It was meant, what exactly to it the God allowed to understand True - and to explain to its other. Each of poets felt itself as a few prophet, on it huge responsibility laid - to choose is unique a true way and to specify to its other. Large poets united in groups on interests, then to them the set of imitators adjoined. Symbolists, acmeists, futurists, ishamanists - each of these currents found the ardent adherents and admirers a

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