Legal regulation of criminal delict - the way to legal space of the European Union - Статья

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The priorities for Ukraine’s European integration in general. The analyzing of the reforming of law enforcement and criminal law for their humanization and reduction to the European legal standards aimed at the protection of human rights and freedoms.

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LEGAL REGULATION OF CRIMINAL DELICT - THE WAY TO LEGAL SPACE OF THE EUROPEAN UNION H.V. Fedotova A priority direction of Ukraine’s European integration is the adaptation of national legislation to the legislation of the European Union (EU), which is expressed in the convergence with the European system of law aimed at the protection and promotion of human rights. The introduction of essentially new kind of a criminal offense - “criminal offence” to national criminal law is justified by the progressive practice of the legal systems of EU member States. The transformation of legal field of Ukraine towards European integration primarily implies the rethinking of the process of socialist law; transplantation in Ukrainian legislation the principles of EU law; the study of Ukrainian legislation on the subject of their nonconformity to the acts of other international organizations, the member of which is or is going to become Ukraine [1. p. 58]. In 1995 Ukraine joined the Council of Europe, before that, in 1994, the

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