The description of some linguistic methods, which politicians use in their speeches to make an impression on the audience. Analysis of speeches of American Presidents. Studying their real aims and goals, which they hide by saying powerful phrases.
LANGUAGE POWER IN THE POLITICAL DISCOURSE Annotation This article describes the methods, which politicians use in their speeches to make an impression on the audience. These are some linguistic methods: metaphors, repetitions, alliterations, rhetorical questions. In this article we can see how they use it in practice and we can make an analysis of speeches of American Presidents. Also, we will see their real aims and goals, which they hide by saying beautiful and powerful phrases. Acest articol descrie metodele, pe care politicienii le folosesc in discursurile lor pentru a face o impresie asupra publicului. Acestea sunt metodele lingvistice: metafore, repetitii, alteratii, intrebari retorice. In acest articol putem observa modul in care il folosesc in practica si putem face o analiza a discursurilor presedintilor americani. De asemenea, vom vedea obiectivele lor reale si obiectivele, pe care le ascund prin a spune fraze frumoase si puternice. Key words: power, language, politics, impression, metaphor, alliter
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