Inversion and the means of its translation - Курсовая работа

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Characteristic of inversion in the English from the point of view of its translation into Russian. The opportunity to transmit the meaning of the inversion in Russian. Subject-auxiliary, subject-verb. Local, negative, heavy inversion. inversion there.

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Introduction Chapter I. General characteristic of inversion 1.1 Subject-auxiliary inversion 1.2 Subject-verb inversion Chapter II. Inversion and the means of its translation 2.1 Local inversion 2.2 Negative inversion 2.3 Heavy inversion 2.4 Inversion there” Introduction The sentence is the smallest communicative unit of the language which expresses more or less complete thought. Moreover, it is a language unit which has the most complicated form and semantics and which experiences the greatest influence of a pragmatical factor. Any sentence is connected with authors intentions and therefore from the point of view of translation can have an uncertain set of interpretations. One of the means of expression of the thinnest shades of a sense is the word order which carries out various functions. From the communicative point of view the word order identifies theme and rheme of the statement. Stylistic value of a word order is that with their shift are created additional semantic shades, the semantic loading strengthens or weakens. If in Russian the word order differs with its flexibility, in English it is rather fixed. We can conclude that inversion bears some communicative, expressive or other loading, which in the process of translation isnt fully reported to the Russian sentence or is exposed to incorrect changes. The theme of the work sounds as follows: Inversion and the means of its translation. The subject is inversion in the English language from the point of view of its translation into Russian. The aim of my paper is the analysis of the translation and the opportunity to transmit the meaning of the inversion in Russian. We compare translations of inverted sentences from two books (Alice in Wonderland and Lady Chatterley’s Lover) done by different translators and analyze the efficiency of different methods of translation applied by them. We also discuss the adequacy of each translation analyzing the degree of retaining the original pragmatics of each inverted sentence. As a result, we give recommendations concerning the translation of different kinds of inversion. inversion translation english russian The practical value of our investigation is defined by the possibility of using the results of our work in further researches. The theoretical value of this paper is defined by specifying the means of translation of inversion. My course paper consists on introduction, the two chapters and the conclusion. In Introduction we name the theme, object, subject, aim, the practical and theoretical value of our investigation. In the first chapter we deal with the problem of general characteristic of inversion, investigate all peculiarities of this phenomenon, in the second chapter we define the means of it’s translation. In Conclusion the results of our investigation are summed up. Chapter I. General characteristic of inversion The term inversion has been used as an umbrella term for a large variety of syntactically quite distinct constructions. Green, for example, claims that there exist on the order of 20 to 40 types of inverted sentences in English [Green 1985: 117]. Accordingly, some definitions are fairly broad, for example, thereby including subject-auxiliary inversion and even existential there-construction [Green 1982: 120]. Birner offers a more restrictive definition: an inversion is a sentence in which the logical subject appears in post-verbal position while some other, canonically post-verbal, constituent appears in clause-initial position [Birner 1996: 12]. In a similar way, Dorgeloh states: full inversion denotes all those constructions in which the subject follows all of its verb-phrase, i. e. a full (lexical) verb or copular be [Dorgeloh 1997: 23]. Inversion is any of several grammatical constructions where two expressions switch their canonical order of appearance, that is, they invert. The most frequent type of inversion in English is subject-auxiliary inversion, where an auxiliary verb changes places with its subject; this often occurs in questions, where the subject you is switched with the auxiliary. In many other languages - especially those with freer word order than English - inversion can take place with a variety of verbs (not just auxiliaries) and with other syntactic categories as well [Кухаренко1971 - 64] When a layered constituency-based analysis of sentence structure is used, inversion often results in the discontinuity of a constituent, although this would not be the case with a flatter dependency-based analysis. In this regard inversion has consequences similar to those of shifting. In broad terms, one can distinguish between two major types of inversion in English that involve verbs: subject-auxiliary inversion and subject-verb inversion. The difference between these two types resides with the nature of the verb involved, i. e. whether it is an auxiliary verb or a full verb. 1.1 Subject-auxiliary inversion Subject-auxiliary inversion (also called subject-operator inversion) is a freq

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