A study by the international private law family legal issues arising from surrogacy. Application of the principle of the best interests of the child. The need for dialogue between countries of origin and host countries associated with surrogacy.
Children’s Rights Law Clinic at the University of Turin, Italy Intercountry surrogacy: an Italian and Ukrainian issue Assistant Professor, lecturer in Family Law JoёHe Long Annotation The present analysis is based on a survey of Italian jurisprudence (period 1989-2016) that identifies sixteen cases arising from surrogacy arrangements undertaken by people living in Italy and highlights that nine of them involve Ukraine as country of origin. Оскільки всі італійські пари були визнані невинними у кримінальному провадженні, стверджується, що реальна передбачена законом міра покарання за сурогатне материнство є запереченням цивільного явища в Італії. Introductory data. Italians are among those who most frequently seek cross-border reproductive care in Europe. According to the latest data collected by the Italian Osservatorio sul turismo procreativo (Observatory on procreative tourism), about 4,000 Italian couples crossed national boundaries in 2011 to fulfil their reproductive aspirations. More than 2,000 couples travelled abroad for heterologous fertilization (which was legally prohibited in Italy until 2012 when the Constitutional Court declared unconstitutional the ban introduced by Law no. 40 of 19 February 2004, the «Medically Assisted Reproduction Act»). An equal number of couples expatriate for homologous artificial insemination and fertilization (technically permitted in Italy, but very expensive and with significant limitations, such as the childbearing age of the intended parents). At least 32 surrogacies were carried out for Italian citizens in countries where this practice is permitted (Osservatorio sul turismo procreativo, 2012). A survey of Italian case law through databases and national law journals highlights sixteen judicial cases in the period 1989-2016 regarding surroga- cies undertaken by people living in Italy, almost all of which were conducted abroad in countries where the practice is permitted by local law. The vast majority of these situations concerned heterosexual Italian couples who underwent the practices in Ukraine (nine cases), India (three cases), France (one case), and the United Kingdom (one case).
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