The describes remote laboratory practical work based on studying specialized languages. Using a family of languages with different syntax, which allows for the individualization of the environment for a specific user, or for the provision of each student.
INDIVIDUALIZATION OF REMOTE LABORATORY PRACTICAL WORK Nikiforov Andrey Yurievich National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute) PhD in Technical Science, Assistant Professor of the Cybernetics Department Abstract The paper describes remote laboratory practical work based on studying specialized languages. The method of developing a specialized language, the results of its implementation in the training support complex, the architecture of that complex and the changes introduced to the method after undergoing such a practical check were described. Individualization of the learning environment is achieved by using a family of languages with different syntax, which allows for the individualization of the environment for a specific user, or for the provision of each student with his or her own version of the task, not only of the statement of the problem, but also in means solutions. Keywords: computerized training resources, design technique, distance education, programming lan
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