Imperatives of international cooperation for economic diplomacy of Ukraine - Статья

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Support of business entities on the part of specialized agencies of the state on world markets. Interconnection of economic diplomacy of Ukraine in international cooperation with influence on the results of foreign economic activity of the country.

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Аннотация к работе
Indicators of foreign economic activity of Ukraine during last years show the gradual formation of the new dynamics of export-import operations, as well as the emergence of certain problems related to retention of positions in foreign markets. As the gross domestic product of Ukraine significantly depends on the volume of exports of goods and services, the efficiency of foreign trade do not lose their relevance. The ratio of coverage import by export in trade between Ukraine and the EU since 2005 is below one. Developed economies - total 25.4 35.6 34.8 including: Europe - total 21.8 31.4 31.9 including European Union 21.0 30.1 31.5 Foreign trade balance EU trade with Ukraine is positive and its value is ranged from 10 515 million Euros in 2008 to 9 222 million Euros in 2012, 3 262 million Euros in 2014 and 1154 million Euros in 2015 [4].

Список литературы
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5. GRUNDERZEITEN Nr. 11, aktualisierte Ausgabe 03/2006. Bundesministerium fur Wirtschaft und Technologie, S.1.

6. UNCTAD. Handbook of Statistics 2015. - United Nations, New York, 2015. - 376 p.

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