Analysis of the question of Liu Xiaobo case that brightly reflecting the position of public intellectuals in China and their role as described by the mass media. Opinion on Liu Xiaobo case by "China Daily" and case by "South China Morning Post".
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Julius-Maximilians-Universitat Wurzburg Seminar: China’s State and society How does the “South China Morning Post” reporting on Liu Xiaobo differ from mainland China reports on the same subject? Chinese Studies (M.A.) 1st semester Student: Liudmila Ilina (2050144) Table of contents liu xiaobo china media Abstract On public intellectuals in China Intellectuals and media “Who is Liu Xiaobo?” Charter 08 Opinion on Liu Xiaobo case by “China Daily” Opinion on Liu Xiaobo case by “South China Morning Post” Conclusion References Abstract The main topic of the term paper is focused on the critical question of Liu Xiaobo case brightly reflecting the position of public intellectuals in China and their role as described by the mass media. The crucial aspect for which I shall try to find a solution is: How does the “South China Morning Post” reporting on Liu Xiaobo differ from mainland China reports on the same subject? Being the face of liberalism and a fighter for human rights Liu Xiaobo is mostly considered a villain t
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