General method of bacteria, their phages and other pathogens detection in fungi and plants - Статья

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Vegetable objects and edible and medicinal fungi are described by the method of electron microscopic research on bacteria, phages, viruses, fungi. The pathogens of different taxonomic groups under the conditions of latent infection are revealed.

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UDC 578.85/.86 GENERAL METHOD OF BACTERIA, THEIR PHAGES AND OTHER PATHOGENS DETECTION IN FUNGI AND PLANTS A. Boiko1, Ya. Chabaniuk2, O. Boiko3, A. Orlovskyi2, O. Melnychuk2, V. Tsvihun2 1 Інститут мікробіології і вірусології ім. Д.К. Заболотного НАН України 2 Інститут агроекології і природокористування НААН 3 Національний університет біоресурсів і природокористування України Проаналізовано рослинні об’єкти та їстівні і лікарські гриби методом електронно- мікроскопічних досліджень на ураження бактеріями, їх фагами, вірусами, мікроскопічними грибами. Ключові слова: бактерії, фаги, фітовіруси, гриби, рослини, електронна мікроскопія, солі важких металів, екологічна ніша. bacterium phage virus infection During the current period of unbalanced environmental conditions highly topical are the processes of selection, diagnosis and prevention of different taxonomic groups of pathogens, which affect the edible and medicinal fungi, plants and other organisms [1]. It should be noted that these technological processes require significant multiple expenses [2]. Furthermore, the selection of disease pathogens based on many biological and physical methods frequently motivates researchers to interpret the size of pathogens, their morphological and structural features in different ways. Such methodical processes cause considerable changes in viruses, bacteria and microscopic fungi structures, which lose their natural activity appropriate to these biological objects [3]. Nowadays, there is a number of traditional and modern methods used for isolation and identification of disease pathogens such as immunologic tests, PCR, electron microscopy of various purpose (transmissive, scanning, atomic-power), electrophoresis of proteins and nucleic acids (RNA and DNA), technological processes of selection and investigation of bacterial viruses, usage of nutrient media [4, 5]. All the methods, as it is known, require primary screening of objects affection by pathogens of different nature and such methodical approach should provide an opportunity to determine latent infection, morphological characteristics of pathogens, their place of localization, circulation in the appropriate organic plants, fungi and other organisms. The aim of our research was to adapt express method for possible diagnosis of pathogens in different types of plants and fungi in conditions of mixed infection. Proposed method of detecting pathogens allows using prolonged processes in experiments in order to study molecular and biological properties of disease pathogens of various biological objects. RESEARCH MATERIALS AND METHODS Forest champignon (agaricus sievaticus), double-spore champignon (agaricus bisporus); oyster fungus (pleurotus ostreatus); different types of prickly pear of the family Coctaceae (botanical gardens of Ukraine); commercial varieties of pears (fruit) of varieties «Parizhanka»; branches of different layers of Norway maple (Acer platanoides); root vegetables (uterine landings) of table beet of «Delikatesnyi» varieties were used in the experiments.

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