Функционирование кардиореспираторной системы и энергообеспечение организма квалифицированных лыжниц- гонщиц при прохождении подъемов различной сложности - Статья
Изучение основных функциональных изменений в организме квалифицированных лыжниц при прохождении подъемов различной сложности. Анализ вклада аэробных и анаэробных механизмов энергообеспечения работоспособности в зависимости от рельефа и параметров трассы.
При низкой оригинальности работы "Функционирование кардиореспираторной системы и энергообеспечение организма квалифицированных лыжниц- гонщиц при прохождении подъемов различной сложности", Вы можете повысить уникальность этой работы до 80-100%
Функционирование кардиореспираторной системы и энергообеспечение организма квалифицированных лыжниц-гонщиц при прохождении подъемов различной сложностиOperation of the cardiorespescription system and energy supply of the qualified racing skiers at the passage of various difference lifts. To study the main functional changes in the body of skilled female skiers as they ascend slopes of various difficulties. Theoretical analysis of data from special scientific and methodological literature; study of the changes in the cardiorespiratory system; the contribution of aerobic and anaerobic energy supply to performance, depending on topography and other characteristics of the track, was analysed using the Metamax 3B gas analysis system (Cortex, Germany), the Vario Photometer II photometric biochemical analyzer (Diaglobal, Germany), and GPS sensor of the telemetric monitor Polar RS800 (Polar, Finland); pedagogical experiment, in which 10 skiers of the Ukrainian national team took part. Uphill skiing on slopes of various lengths and steepness is associated with a certain functional stress on the body and changes in the cardiorespiratory system that affect the efficiency of further movement on the downhill and plain sections of the track, while the ratio of aerobic and anaerobic capacities varies as dictated by the topography of the track. The assessment of the functional capabilities of the body during the movement on the known competitive track makes possible the focused teaching female cross country skiers to apply rational tactics of uphill skiing on slopes of various steepness and contributes to the increase in the special preparedness of the athletes.
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