Features of the creation and implementation of national military doctrines, which were the main plans for preparing France for both world wars. The parallels between Bergson"s intuitionism, Descartes rationalism. Efficiency plans of the French command.
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University of North Carolina at Greensboro 1400, Spring Garden Str., Greensboro, 27601-27699, USA French military strategy of the end of XIX - first half of XX centuries: between Descartes and Bergson Y.O. Loboda yuriy. loboda@gmail.com Annotation Was observed the issue of correlation of tradition of philosophic research in France on the end of the 19 century - first half of 20 century with particularities of elaboration and realization of national military doctrines, which were the basic plans of preparation for the both world wars. Were establishes parallels between intuitivism of Bergson, rationalism of Descartes and plans of the French supreme command, which failed during the world wars of the 20 century. Was concluded that given correlations do not have essential personal character; more fundamental influences on the strategic culture should be searched in the ways of cognition, which have been basic for philosophy during all her history, which is intended to be realized in discipline «strategic epistemology». Keywords: strategic epistemology; H.Bergson; R.Descartes; war; war studies; strategic culture; intelligence Анотація Французька воєнна стратегія кінця XIX - першої половини XX ст.: між Декартом та Бергсоном?. Лобода yuriy. loboda@gmail.com Університет Північної Кароліни в Грінсборо 27601-27699, Ґрінсборо, вул. Спрінг Гарден, 1400, США Було розглянуто питання кореляції традиції філософських досліджень Франції наприкінці XIX ст.
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