The article, by relying on Fromm’s concept of freedom, analyzed the multifaceted role of the Maidan, The study emphasizes that Maidan became a readout step in the deployment of an intense process of self-consciousness of own cultural identity by Ukraine.
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35]. E. Bilchenko considers Maidan as the semantic phenomenon with a complex intertext [1, p. 36] and analyzes the relation of Maidan identities together with a topos of contemporary West (multicultural) and modern Russia (traditionalist). It is also important to understand the integral role of Maidan in the awakening of a new view at the problem of spiritual and national unity of Ukrainians: Whether Maidan really was a national uprising? What exactly was the contribution of Maidans outside Kyiv: in the West and in the East? What was the proportion of a violent struggle in the victory of Maidan and whether some alternative without violent escalation of the conflict was possible? [9]. The problem of freedom is undoubtedly the problem of choosing the vector of our country’s development. American professor J. Mace, a prominent supporter of independent Ukraine, long before the events of the last Maidan repeatedly warned that there are only two vectors of foreign policy for Ukrainian society: declination towards Russian authoritarianism and coming under the sphere of Russia’s influence or attempt to become a democratic nation by moving towards the EU and NATO [3, p. 299-300]. Obviously, the first means giving up a freedom, and the second means a heavy thorny path to it. An active participation of Ukrainian religious organizations in the awakening of this sense of a freedom was a peculiar phenomenon of the Maidan and an evidence of the complete rupture with the Soviet past. This is smth. archaic from the point of view of Western society but we should not forget that awakening of national identity in the Western society had place during the Reformation era and phenomenon of conscience was the integral part of a question of freedom. The last, being firstly introduced by the Catholic Church, was hotly caught by the Protestants of all the directions. It is almost the only reliable reference point in awakening the higher spiritual senses since we are only overcoming the medieval consciousness now. Because present secular authority’s economic or political reforms are unable to trigger enthusiasm at all. In terms of confidence the Church continues to hold the first position among social and political institutions. Most citizens have shown a particular measure of confidence in the Church as it was during all the previous polls. Currently it is expressed by 66% of all people who were polled: by 88% citizens from the West and by up to 53% from the East. Accordingly, the majority of those who do not trust the Church is among the citizens of the East (35%) and the minority is among the inhabitants of the West of our country (8%) Only 22% of the respondents denied any influence of religion on the being of Ukrainian society (while 65% disagree with such a denial) [10, p. It could be stated that individuals as well as the entire nation are equally yield to maturing. Applying to this theory, we are able to detect and determine the causes of different interpretation of patriotism by citizens of west-central and eastern regions of Ukraine. The West and the Center dream about building a country in which you want to live. They are not willing to put up with what they have simply because it is their Motherland with her past, seemingly preserved forever. The East of Ukraine is ready to love Russia irrationally like a biological mother because the East erroneously considers Russia as the historical homeland. The Ukrainian East loves it with all its flaws and defects simply because it is the Mother-Rus (the absurd of the situation is strengthened by the fact that only Ukraine is exactly the real historical Rus).
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