Criminal investigation and forensic examination as a way of thinking and conducting criminal cases. The choice of equipment and facilities for carrying out the necessary judicial actions. Determination, collection and storage of evidence from the scene.
UDC 343.147:351.74 FIRST PATROL ON THE CRIME SCENE Heikillia Ya. - Senior Detective Constable, Oulu Police Department, Finland; Karlsson P. - Detective Chief Inspector, NBI Finland; Varzhos P. - Senior Adviser on Forensic Identification, EUAM Ukraine, Finland Introduction In this article I open up the concept of the first patrol on the crime scene. This idea is strongly linked to the criminal investigation and forensics as a way of thinking and doing things. When I started my police studies about eighteen years ago in police school, Tampere, Finland, we students were learnt from the very beginning that after graduating we must be able to do all kind of police work. This meant that we were learnt basic police work but also forensics, photographing, making notes and sketches about the crime scene and naturally also criminal investigation and interviews. So, when graduating after the two and half year of education, all of us had a basic knowledge about police work, including forensics and crime investigation. La
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