Coverage of issues concerning the specifics of the implementation of the principle of the presumption of innocence in the light of the practice of the European Court of Human Rights. Systematic analysis of the practice of the European Court of Justice.
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Features of the presumption of innocence in the concern of the European court of human rights Старенький О.С. стажист управління процесуального контролю Головного слідчого управління МВС України It is important by ensuring proper protection of the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of the criminal proceedings parties, plays a presumption of innocence as one of the major democratic principles characterizing the constitutional state and its criminal justice system. The efficiency of its operation and use in criminal proceedings, of course, depends on the creation of appropriate mechanisms for its implementation based on certain theoretical positions doctrines of criminal procedural law and international standards and practice of the European Court of Human Rights (hereinafter - ECHR). 2, art. These cases are: 1) commenting employees of public authorities and the media of criminal proceedings against a person’s guilt in a criminal offense long before trial criminal proceedings and in accordance with the court’s judgment of conviction; 2) during the implementation of some measures to ensure the criminal proceedings; 3) remand the suspect, accused at trial criminal proceedings in the «cage». Try a more elaborate on these cases. The ECHR has repeatedly stressed the infringement p. 2, art. 6 of the Convention by commenting employees of public authorities (investigators, prosecutors, judges, etc.) and media guilt of criminal proceedings against a person with a criminal offense long before trial criminal proceedings and in accordance with a court conviction.
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