Features of formation of students professional identity psychologists during training at university - Статья

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The issue of self-determination of students-psychologists in the professional field while learning in the University. Determining the psychological and social component of the phenomenon. Analysis of skills needed for professional self-determination.

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Аннотация к работе
UDK: 159.9.075 Features of formation of students professional identity psychologists during training at university O. Grinchencko The problem of self-determination of students-psychologists in pro-fessional sphere of life, which appears to them during education at the university. Objectified Cheney psychological and social components of this phenomenon and the role and importance of the learning process in its formation. The analysis of professional skills necessary for professional self-determination of students suggests that aspiration-opment attention to this problem will significantly increase the effectiveness of the shape-consciousness and development of the future professional. Keywords: professional self, identity, image professional, scope and development. self determination professional psychological О. М. Грінченко ОСОБЛИВОСТІ ФОРМУВАННЯ ПРОФЕСІЙНОЇ САМОСВІДОМОСТІ СТУДЕНТІВ-ПСИХОЛОГІВ ПІД ЧАС НАВЧАННЯ У ВНЗ У статті розглядається проблема самовизначення студентів-психологів у професійній сфері життя. О. Н. Гринченко ОСОБЕННОСТИ ФОРМИРОВАНИЯ ПРОФЕССИОНАЛЬНОГО САМОСОЗНАНИЯ СТУДЕНТОВ-ПСИХОЛОГОВ В ПЕРИОД ОБУЧЕНИЯ В ВУЗЕ В статье рассматривается проблема самоопределения студентов-психологов в профессиональной сфере жизни.

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