Helping industries - one of the sphere of human professional activity, which traditionally demonstrate higher levels of work-related stress than most other jobs. Characteristics of the main environmental factors which contribute to teacher burnout.
Helping industries traditionally demonstrate higher levels of work-related stress than most other jobs, and it is common to observe burnout among persons working in helping industries. Teaching is one of such helping industries. Burnout was first defined by a German-born American psychologist Herbert Freudenberger in 1974 as a state of being worn out, or becoming exhausted by making excessive demands on energy, strength or resources. He believed that “the dedicated and the committed” employees are most prone to experience burnout, because they “work too much, too long, and too intensely”. When first considered, burnout was certainly attributed as an outcome of stress within helping professions, but these professions included clergymen, nurses, firefighters, policemen, and social workers only. Teaching was not identified in this research as a helping profession, and was therefore not grouped into the category of working professionals likely to suffer from burnout. Subsequent research has determined that educat
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