Evolution of libraries in developing countries in the international information space - Статья

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Influence of trends of international cooperation in the field of digital libraries in developing countries. The opportunities of international cooperation for the improvement of libraries, using the integration of network and Internet technologies.

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Evolution of libraries in developing countries in the international information space international digital library The active development of digital library nets as well as corporations and associations based on them is the most important tendency in the modern world library community. Foreign libraries are demonstrating ways of administration of new forms of library cooperation both on the national and international levels. The development of international library and information cooperation is the objective law that reflects the main characteristics of the modern socio-economic progress in the world: integration, international specialization and international cooperation [1]. The development and intensive spread of information and telecommunication technologies in the context of extensive informatization of the society are the key features of its progress. This process is more evident and active in the developed countries where the high level of the informatization and technological effectiveness as well a

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