Еssence of labor migration - Статья

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Description of one of the dominant types of exchange in the modern society - an exchange by labor resources, which name is labor migration. Analysis of the purpose of moving such as employment on more favorable conditions than in the country of stay.

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Labor migration is rightfully considered the extremely meaningful phenomenon in the world, the consequences of which often become reasons of plenty of sharp problems of political and social characters in the whole world. Word «migration» the Latin origin means moving, relocation. Distinguish internal migration of labor force, what be going on between the regions of one country, and external migration is moving of people between two and more by the states. There is a shortage of personnel in rapidly developing countries, surplus labor and unemployment in slow-moving countries, which leads to a decrease in salaries, and, consequently, and standard of living. On the positive side migration guarantees the redirection of working resources in accordance with the requirements of actively progressing countries, concentrates an active and proactive population in the economically important centers of the state, gives an opportunity to seize new territories and their natural wealth, promotes the growth of financial wellbeing and increase the professionalism of hundreds of millions of people [2].

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