Canada as the largest country of the North America. Geographical position of Canada, its climate, relief and environment. The population, religion and moving types. History of development of territory. A state system, the basic provinces of Canada.
Центральні провінції Онтаріо. Central Provinces Ontario. Провінція, розташована в преріях Манітоба. Water Expanse and Water Ways Three great oceans - the Atlantic, the Pacific and the Arctic, wash Canada`s shores. It has estimated that Canada has 1/7 of the world fresh water. All but one of the Great Lakes (Michigan) are partially Canadian. Enormous Hudson Bay is exlusively Canadian, as there are rich massive but relatively little known inland seas as the Great Bear Lake (31,326 sq km), the Great Slave Lake - just a bit smaller - and Lake Winni peg, which is bigger than Lake Ontario.
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