Features that determine the development of adult vocational education in France. The main trends of its development. Distance learning in this country. Analysis of the main structural elements of the system of continuing vocational education for adults.
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Education development trends of adults in France: modernity and prospects Introduction The mission of adult education is the development of an adult person in accordance with the challenges of our time. The main strategic objective of adult education, relating to any country and reflecting the global processes in the modern world, is the creation of conditions for the development of an adult in accordance with his or her interests and abilities. To date, the priority idea of the development of education in Ukraine is the concept of lifelong education of a person. During the last decade, Ukrainian and foreign scholars have actively pursued pedagogical studies of the problems of continuing education (N. Biryukova, A. Darinsky, T. Desyatov, A. Dzhurinsky, I. Zyazyun, D. Kidd, V. Kremen, P. Lengrand, Z. Malkova, N. Mukan, A. Novikov, N. Nichkalo, V. Onush- kin, N. Rukhadze, G. Selman, S. Sysoeva, L. Sigayev, S.Vershlovskyi, A. Vladislavlyev, B. Wolfson and others). The purpose of the article is to study the pecul
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