Economic sanctions - Дипломная работа

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General(common) concept of the международно-legal responsibility. Basis of the международно-legal responsibility. Classification of international Offences. Economic sanctions as a measure of the responsibility for offences. Export embargo. Embargo on impo

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The международно-legal responsibility 1.1. Economic sanctions as a measure of the responsibility for offences 2.1. Export embargo 40-49 2.2. Embargo on import 50-63 2.3. Additional kind of economic The sanctions 64-69 The conclusion 70-72 The bibliography 73-75 Introduction A question on the sanctions, which should be applied to агрессору, until recently did not involve(attract) to itself of attention of wide sections and served a subject of study only of small group of the lawyers, experts on application of the sanctions a UN, and separate political figures. The question this seem especially academic, that is torn off from life. But since the end of a 1935 in connection with итало-абиссинским by the conflict, and then by beginning of the second world(global) war and present regional conflicts this question has become most urgent. This problem appears and in внешнеполитической of activity of a Republic of Uzbekistan. The president of a Republic of Uzbekistan И.А. Каримов in the performance(statement) as one of methods of the sanction of the regional conflicts offered messages of embargo on importation of arms and raw material for management of military actions in territory struggling государств1. In the second chapter all kinds of economic sanctions (export embargo, embargo on import, reparation, restitution, ðåïðåññàëèè, ñóáñòèòóöèè etc.) used to the states to the offenders will be directly considered. General(common) concept of the международно-legal responsibility The международно-legal responsibility is a set of the legal attitudes(relations), which arise in the modern international law in connection with an offence, ñîâåðø ё ííûì by any state or other subject of the international law, or in connection with damage, reasons ё ííûì by the state to other states as a result of lawful activity. On the XXV sessions of a Commission of the international law has found expedient for a designation of an offence to use expressions « ìåæäóíàðîäíî-illegal äåÿíèå », instead of expression «äåëèêò» or other similar expressions, which sometimes can accept the special shade point of view;!from the point of view of some systems of the internal right. For example, the expression « ìåæäóíàðîäíî-illegal äåÿíèå » point of view;!from the point of view of French language is, probably, more correct, than the expression « the ìåæäóíàðîäíî-illegal sertificate(act) », by virtue of that reason, that ïðîòèâîïðàâíîñòü frequently is displayed in inactivity, and the latter precisely designate by the term «sertificate»(«act»), which on ñóòè induces on an idea on actions under it and some other reasons the commission has decided and for spanish language to use the accordingly term «hecho internacionalemente illicito», and for English language to keep the term «internationally wrongfull act», as the English term «act» does not cause such associations what this term causes in French and spanish languages.

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