Dynamics of quarks in the hadrons metrics with application to the baryon structure - Статья

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The system of Dirac equations describing the dynamics of quarks in hadrons metric. Assumed that the quarks interact via an external Yang-Mills field. Magnetic moments of the proton, neutron and lambda baryon. Model of the baryons in a stationary metric.

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Динамика кварков в метрике адронов и структура барионов Dynamics of quarks in the hadrons metrics with application to the baryon structure Трунев Александр Петрович к.ф.-м.н., Ph.D., директор Alexander Trunev Cand.Phys.-Math.Sci., Ph.D., director A&E Trounev IT Consulting, Toronto, Canada В работе рассмотрена система уравнений Дирака, описывающая динамику кварков в метрике адронов.

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