Colour as a linguistic and extra-linguistic phenomenon - Реферат

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Extra-linguistic and linguistic spheres of colour naming adjectives study. Colour as a physical phenomenon. Psychophysiological mechanisms of forming colour perception. The nuclear and peripherical meanings of the semantic field of the main colours.

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Due to the priority of the perceptive form of the world assimilation and the capacity of the colour to influence on the physical and emotional person state, colour is an important part of the conceptual picture of the world. The actuality of this research is determined by the great interest of modern linguistics for the language world conceptualization research and a special emphasis to colour naming studying as the main marker of national cultures. The object of the research is concepts, representing green, blue and red colours in English linguistic world-image. The main goal of the research is to find out the main characteristics of concept function, representing green, blue and red colours in English linguistic world-image. I consider that from the point of view of semantics object colour named adjectives have their own special qualities naming a mark through its attitude towards objects being contextually conditioned and at the same time in contrast to the classical relative adjectives that denote such a mark that can be characterized according to its intensity that allows us to compare them.Colour is the most important characteristic of an object. Colour is a complicated phenomenon based on many reasons. Multicolouring from the physical point of view is made by the interaction of light and an object. Optical paths consisting of many coloured rays is reflected or absorbed by different objects.Her research interests include cognition, concepts, causality, thinking, memory, and cross-cultural, Eastern, and religious psychology. Being an important factor of man’s life and activity the colour is a part of the world image in all the components, marked by Leontyev Every colour has its own meaning fixed in culture and the meaning is based on the material (for example red color increases pressure and pulse, a rush of blood, as according to M. Here we can speak about comparative study of fiction literature and different literary and scientific sources about colour and the comparative analysis of phraseological units with colour naming component. The highest percent of the answers in the regarded groups took the meanings of the so-called "prototypical referents" of the colour, as they are the names of the objects and phenomenon of the wild life and inanimate nature that surrounded a man since the very beginning of his cultural and historical development.Colour derives from the spectrum of light (distribution of light power versus wavelength) interacting in the eye with the spectral sensitivities of the light receptors. Colour categories and physical specifications of colour are also associated with objects, materials, light sources, etc., based on their physical properties such as light absorption, reflection, or emission spectra. The research of the semantic field of the main colours in three cultures permits to find out the structure of the semantic field of each colour and its meaning, particular for the representatives of each culture on the present level of their cultural and historical development. The pheripherical units contain meanings that can be derived from the psychological features of the colour and its prototypical referents, that are the meanings of the nuclear of the semantic field. So we can conclude that the pheripherical meanings of the semantic field are represented by the culturally-specific meaning of a colour that was formed in each culture in the process of its cultural and historical development.


1. Extralinguistic and linguistic spheres of colour naming adjectives study. Colour as a physical phenomenon

1.2 Colour as a characteristic of an object

1.3 Psychological aspects of the focus colours

1.4 Colour as one of the basic spheres of cognition



Among the all physical qualities colour is one of the most important, most obvious and the brightest characteristics of the objects of the world.

Colour derives from the spectrum of light (distribution of light power versus wavelength) interacting in the eye with the spectral sensitivities of the light receptors. Colour categories and physical specifications of colour are also associated with objects, materials, light sources, etc., based on their physical properties such as light absorption, reflection, or emission spectra. By defining a colour space, colours can be identified numerically by their coordinates.

Colour is the most important characteristic of an object. It makes the object brighter and gives it an emotional expression.

According to the research made by Eleanor Rosch several conclusions were made: Focus colours are appreciated better than the others;

1) Focus colours are kept in the recent memory longer than the others;

2) The names of focus colours are produced faster by the children.

3) The names of focus colours are produced faster by the children.

Psychophysiological mechanisms of forming color perception are mainly common for the mankind, like many other psychophysiological effects of the color.

Unlike the material level, colour on personal level always has unique meanings, which are formed exactly during the process of man’s life and activity.

The research of the semantic field of the main colours in three cultures permits to find out the structure of the semantic field of each colour and its meaning, particular for the representatives of each culture on the present level of their cultural and historical development.

The nuclear of the semantic field includes the meanings expressed by the prototypical referents of the colour. This meanings are usually common for different cultures, but in addition they have specific meanings influenced by the geographical position and the climate.

The pheripherical units contain meanings that can be derived from the psychological features of the colour and its prototypical referents, that are the meanings of the nuclear of the semantic field. These meanings are similar in different cultures but not identic. So we can conclude that the pheripherical meanings of the semantic field are represented by the culturally-specific meaning of a colour that was formed in each culture in the process of its cultural and historical development.


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