The children"s theatre, puppet shows and an important role in the ideological and aesthetic education of children, appreciation of literature"s classical heritage. The thematic plan of the theatre. The Moscow Central Children"s Theatre"s repertoire.
Their productions touch upon the most burning problems of today; they present a truthful and realistic picture of the life in modern times, they stage plays about the heroic past, shaping the child"s aesthetic tastes, establishing norms of communist morality and a high spirit of patriotism and internationalism. There are special means of helping the school in the study of these plays after the children have attended a performance Each theatre has its own thematic plan. Their productions touch upon the most burning problems of today; they present a truthful and realistic picture of the life in modern times, they stage plays about the heroic past, shaping the child"s aesthetic tastes, establishing norms of communist morality and a high spirit of patriotism and internationalism. Заменить существительные с предлогом of существительными в притяжательном падеже early years of Soviet power - ранние годы Советской власти a new type of theatre - новый тип театра aesthetic education of children - эстетическое образование детей problems of today - проблемы сегодняшнего дня appreciation of literature"s classical heritage - оценку классического наследия special means of helping the school - специальные средства помощи школе the study of these plays - изучение этих пьес young people of times now past - молодежь разных времен должна знать прошлое a stage version of Dickens" Oliver Twist - сценарная постановка Оливер Твист Диккенса the treasures of folk and fairy tales of the peoples - сокровища народов и сказок народов methodological centre for all of the country"s puppet theatres - методологическим центром театров марионеток the work of the children"s theatres - работа детских театров Выписать из текста прилагательные и наречия, перевести их на русский язык и образовать степени сравнения early - earlier - the earliest - ранний new - newer - the newest - новый important - more important - the most important - важный ideological - more ideological - the most ideological - идеологический aesthetic - more aesthetic - the most aesthetic - эстетический truthful - more truthful - the most truthful - правдивый realistic - more realistic - the most realistic - реалистичный heroic - more heroic - the most heroic - героический high - higher - the highest - высокий influential - more influential - the most influential classical - more classical - the most classical special - more special - the most special thematic - more thematic - the most thematic young - younger - the youngest artistic - more artistic - the most artistic methodological - more methodological - the most methodological educational - more educational - the most educational theatrical - more theatrical - the most theatrical
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