Children Journalism - Реферат

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Russian press for the young reader as opposed to the "adult" started with a magazine. History of child Journalism Beginning of a new era in the Children"s journalism. Authors of children"s creative destiny "Chizh", "Hedgehog" - to the brightest example.

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Russian press for the young reader as opposed to the «adult» started with a magazine. Petersburg and Moscow, issued nearly three hundred children"s and youth magazines. First of all, this was due to the fact that publishers do not have sufficient funds, and at times appeared the magazine does not find its subscribers on a variety of reasons, but mostly because the alternative is the deterioration of already published and favorite readers. «Friend of children», «Children"s Museum», «Sobesednik», «Relax», «Baby». Unfortunately, in the study of children"s pre-revolutionary journalism we have done very little, did not disclose the contents of journals in any bibliographical work, and in connection with the many interesting texts have remained only on the pages of periodicals.In fact, the first book written specifically for children, was a book «The World in Pictures» Jan Amos Comenius. Novikova «Children"s reading for the hearts and minds» initiated domestic publications for young readers. Aksakov in his memoirs, too, is drawn to the magazine Novikov: «As a child my mind (after getting acquainted with this magazine) has done a coup, and I opened a new world ... The magazine has historically corresponded to those tasks to be performed at all in «child reading». In 20-30-years in our country has a developed network of children"s newspapers and magazines, to whom the challenge is not having analogues in world practice dormitory - to shape a new world outlook of Soviet-type person, effectively influence the future development of the individual builders society of social justice.And finally to all the above, I would like to add that due to the rapid development of technological progress, with the advent and widespread implementation in all aspects of computer network and Internet, there are many children"s Web journals, colorfully decorated with a virtual Game start: «Karapuz», «Ladushki», «Barbie», «Vigny-Pooh», «Nahalenok», «A visit from Cinderella», «Mysterious world» and so on. Along with the development of computer skills, the child simultaneously learns a global scale: while reading a literary work and engage in educational quiz, to correspond with friends, browse a wide range of graphic images (pictures of beautiful places of the planet, animals, plants), to raise as their own language, and an additional - English, mainly in the Internet-e, to play the game, develop logical thinking - and all this at once! Today, more and more often hear voices disturbing that the press before the onslaught of retreats of all kinds of video, the TV, computer.

Introduction 3


2. Beginning of a new era in the Children"s journalism. JOURNALS «Hedgehog» and «Chizh». 6



And finally to all the above, I would like to add that due to the rapid development of technological progress, with the advent and widespread implementation in all aspects of computer network and Internet, there are many children"s Web journals, colorfully decorated with a virtual Game start: «Karapuz», «Ladushki», «Barbie», «Vigny-Pooh», «Nahalenok», «A visit from Cinderella», «Mysterious world» and so on.

Unfortunately, children with access to the Internet, yet very little. A pity, the combination of the printed word and kompternyh achievement is a phenomenon unique in the field of educational and cognitive child. Along with the development of computer skills, the child simultaneously learns a global scale: while reading a literary work and engage in educational quiz, to correspond with friends, browse a wide range of graphic images (pictures of beautiful places of the planet, animals, plants), to raise as their own language, and an additional - English, mainly in the Internet-e, to play the game, develop logical thinking - and all this at once!

Today, more and more often hear voices disturbing that the press before the onslaught of retreats of all kinds of video, the TV, computer. But we tend to look to the future with optimism. A truly talented word artist, publicist, calls the reader to meditation and creativity, will find resonance in the hearts of readers-contemporaries. Do not remain indifferent to it, and readers for generations to come. Authors of children"s creative destiny magazines «Chizh» and «Hedgehog» - to the brightest example.

Список литературы
1. Alexandrov A. Among cheerful «Chizhey» lustige «hedgehogs» / Sat.: About literature for children .- Vol. 18.-L., 2006.-S. 153-154.

2. Alekseev S. Mir children"s book (on the editorial board «Children"s Literature») / Literary Gazette, 2005, August 11, 3. Alekseeva MI Soviet children"s Journalism 20-ies., M. University, 2005

4. Bogatyreva JN From the history of the printed newspaper pioneer (1922-1928 gg.). L., 2005 . God"s peace, g / l, 2005

5. BRONEKOLLEKTSIYA Annex to the magazine "Model Construction": History in the tank drawings, photographs and background material.

A. Burnakin Kids Magazines / «New Era», June 22, 2004

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