Budget and the budgetary system of the Russian Federation - Дипломная работа

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Role and importance of the state budget in the national economy in a market economy. Revenues and expenditures of the state budget, their balance and execution problems. Intergovernmental relations: current situation, problems and their solutions.

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Contents Introduction 1. Role and importance of the state budget in the national economy in a market economy 1.1 Concept and features of the budget and the budget system of the Russian Federation 1.2 Budget classification and its role in the cash budget execution 1.3 Revenues and expenditures of the state budget, their balance and execution problems 2. Characteristics of individual budget levels system 2.1 Federal budget 2.2 Budgets of the Russian Federation 2.3 Local Budgets 2.4 Intergovernmental relations: current situation, problems and their solutions 3. Conditions of education and ways deficit reduction Conclusion References Introduction budget economy revenues expenditures The object of the thesis is the budget system and the problems of implementation of budgets at various levels in the Russian Federation. The relevance of the theme chosen for the study is of paramount importance for the functioning of the budget of the national economy, in its formation and execution, the regulatory role in the use of GDP. The purpose of this study is an attempt to analyze the reasonableness of budget planning and financing of the state budget at the macro and micro levels. To achieve this goal it is necessary to solve a number of specific objectives: - Explore the basic features and principles of the budget system of the Russian Federation in market conditions; - To understand the sources of formation of tax and non-tax revenues of the revenue budgets of different levels; - To open opportunities to optimize revenue and expenditure of the state budget; - To consider the budget classification and its use under the cash budget execution through RCCs banks; - To characterize the individual links of the budget system (budgets territories as the main financial base of local government) and to reveal the problems of fiscal federalism; - Examine the conditions of a possible budget deficit and its financing methods; - Consider the notion of public debt, its size and the situation with maturity in Russia. Goals and objectives defined its composition. Diploma thesis co-worth of the following parts: - Introduction, which defines the object of study, describes the objectives, tasks and composition course work; - The theoretical part, which sets out the conceptual mechanism of budget categories; - Case study, which are characterized by the budgets of different levels using digital material, revealed problems of intergovernmental relations; - Recommendatory part, which contains the conditions of the budget deficit and its financing methods, analyzed the value of government debt dynamics for a number of years and the ways of his maturity. - Conclusion containing general conclusions and suggestions for the whole work; - References 18 names of sources used. As the initial information base materials involved theoretical studies of various authors, textbooks and teaching aids, statistical material, the budget law for the next fiscal year (federal, regional and local). It seems that this research may have some practical value. 1. Role and importance of the state budget in the national economy in a market economy 1.1 Concept and features of the budget and the budget system of the Russian Federation Central place in the system of public finance takes the state budget - which has the force of law of the state financial plan for the current financial year. Budget Code of the Russian Federation determines the budget as a form of education spending and fund of funds, intended for financial support tasks and functions of state and local government [3, p. 32]. Thus, accumulating using state budget funds, the state through financial mechanisms provides fulfillment of its public policy, economic and social functions, namely the state apparatus, the army, law enforcement, the implementation of social programs, the implementation of the priority tasks of economic and so etc. It should be noted that the budget, as a fund of funds, in solid form never exists because revenues as they seek to cover the costs. He is the only plan of national education and the use of fund of funds, ie, revenues and expenditures of the state, agreed with each other, both in volume and in terms of income and use. As a rule, the existing forms of government and the relationship between members of society and define features of the financial system. In countries with a socialist economy into force monopoly of state ownership of the means of production and the availability of a powerful state apparatus, its main objective was to serve the needs of the government. Public finance subjugated and funds of enterprises and organizations, and even savings. Changes in the Russian economy and its political system that occurred in the early 90s, caused a major change in its financial mechanism. The emergence of new forms of ownership, new entities has resulted in changes in the system of cash receipts and expenditures, financial flows became possible to regulate mainly indirect method

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