The differences between the legal norm and the state institutions. The necessity of overcoming of contradictions between the state and the law, analysis of the problems of state-legal phenomena. Protecting the interests and freedoms of social strata.
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If it is so, then why for the jurist the state is not identified with the law and not each state is recognized legal [1]? legal state law social The state is the centralized hierarchy of officials, the mechanism of enforcement and management, the power, possessing the right of passing compulsory decisions and realizing them. Thus, rapt attention to the forms of the state (in counterweight of its essence) has brought about that there were studied mostly the structure and composition of the supreme authorities (of the republic - aristocracy and democracy, monarchy - limited, absolute and so on), and the forms of the state unity (unitary, federal, confederate state, special and real unions and so on), and later - the forms of political regimes, finally, under social-class approach - purposes, tendencies of development of the states. Herewith we have a great number of definitions of the state (republican, monarchist, federal, totalitarian, unitary, democratic, legal, social, mundane, imperial, slave owning, police, public, democratic, multinational, transitional and etc). But the society can not dispense without systems of public services, which exactly create the state although there existed societies (ancient totalitarian state of the 20th century), in which the state was considered as the purpose, in which the individual is subordinated as the facility.
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