Asian Development Bank - Презентация

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Asian Development Fund. Poverty reduction in Asia and the Pacific. Promotion of pro poor, sustainable economic growth. Supporting social development. Facilitating good governance. Long-term Strategic Framework. Private, financial sector development.

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In 1963 the resolution of first Ministerial Conference on Asian Economic Cooperation held by the United Nations Economic Commission for Asia and the Far East served as legislative base for the establishment of the ADB. 1974-Asian Development Fund provided its first concessional lending to ADB"s poorest members .CONTТАЩD 1997 - ADB approved its largest single loan-a $ 4 billion emergency loan to the Republic of Korea-and established the Asian Currency Crisis Support Facility to accelerate assistance. Providing support at national and regional levels to help countries more effectively respond to HIV/AIDS and the growing threat of avian influenza.Key Facts President and Chairperson of the Board of Directors : Takehiko Nakao Headquarter: Manila , the Philippines and 29 regional offices Members: 67 ; 48 regional members; 19 non-regional members; 42 Client Countries Japan and the United States are the largest shareholders (15.5% each) Staff: 3,051 Budget for 2013: $19,4 billion, from which : $10,3 billion for Ordinary capital resources (OCR ) $ 2,9 billion for ADF ; Cofinancing---$ 5.9 billion ; Technical assistance (TA)-$300 MILLIONOUTSIDE region-Members Asia-Pacific region-Members29 offices worldwide ADBТАЩS OFFICESBOARD of Governors Article 28 of the ADB Charter vests all the powers of the institution in the Board of Governors, which in turn delegates these powers to the Board of Directors, except for those powers reserved for the Board of Governors in the Charter. Eight of those 12 are elected by member countries from within the Asia Pacific region, and the four others are elected by member countries from outside the region. Board of DIRECTORSGOAL Poverty reduction in Asia and the Pacific Development Objectives Promotion of pro poor, sustainable economic growth Supporting social development Facilitating good GOVERNANCELONG-term Strategic Framework 2008 - 2020 ADB"s Strategy 2020, approved in April 2008, reaffirms both ADB"s vision of an Asia and Pacific free of poverty and mission to help its developing member countries improve their living conditions and quality of life .

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