Consideration of various information security standards in the Russian commercial organizations. Methods of data protection. Potential application of international standards in information security activities of the Russian commercial organization.
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National Research University - Higher School of Economics DRAFT Of the paper “Application of international standards in information security activities of Russian commercial organizations” Student: Platonov Andrey Alekseevich Group: 476 Argument Consultant: Elin Vladimir Mihailovich Style and Language Consultant: Kashkarova Tatiana Petrovna 2013 ABSTRACT At present, there are different standards of information security. They are divided into European and Russian standards. Some European standards are used in Russia, but it has their own GOST standards. The main purpose of the work is to answer the question what standards are using in Russia and how they should be changed to be «ideal». In this paper, I will answer this question, comparing GOST and ISO standards. I will analyze them and develop recommendations for «ideal» standards. TABLE OF CONTENTS ABSTRACT INTRODUCTION CHAPTER 1. THEORETIC AND METHODOLOGICAL PART. 1.1 Key definitions 1.2 Methods of information protection CHAPTER 2. PRACTICAL PART 2.1 Develo
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