Animal physiology as a branch of the biological sciences life processes, bodily functions and behavior of animals. The history of physiology, its purpose, the main sections, concepts and relationship with other sciences. Basic life processes of animals.
The subject or object of study Animal Physiology is an ANIMALPHYSIOLOGY studies the physiological processes and physiological functions of a living organism at the level of cells, tissues, organs and body as a whole in their relationship with each other and with the influence of environment, technology, animal welfare, behavioral responses of animals. The purpose of animal physiology is a deep knowledge of the mechanisms and patterns of implementation processes and functions, their regulation.Physiology is the theoretical basis of Veterinary and Animal Science, knowledge it needed veterinarians and zoo as a basis for solving issues relating to the effective prevention, diagnosis and therapy, rational organization of content, effective use of animals to increase their productivity. The work of scientists served as a powerful stimulus for further research into the processes and functions of the body.History of physiology Later in the development of physiology should be divided into three stages: first - the accumulation of evidence about the nature and patterns of individual vital processes of the body, its tissues, organs and systems; the second - a generalization of private information about the processes of life in certain ideas about bodily functions; third - the modern period focused study of the processes and functions based on the needs and designed on the basis of theories, principles of the organism.Communication physiology and other sciences Physiology is closely associated with a number of biological sciences, has many points of contact with physics and chemistry, making extensive use of their laws and practices as well as physical and chemical processes underlie the processes and functions of the body. Knowledge of physiology are the basis for the formation of medical and zootechnical thinking.Objectives of animal physiology are very diverse and are determined based on the ultimate goal: knowledge of the private and common mechanisms and patterns of activity of cells, tissues, organs and the whole organism, mechanisms of neurohumoral regulation of physiological processes and functions in mammals and birds, the qualitative uniqueness of physiological processes in food-producing animals, behavioral responses and mechanisms of their formation, the role of individual factors in ensuring structural and physiological organization of the body, its organs, in determining the quality of products, raw materials; skills to study the physiological functions and constants skills of knowledge of physiology in professional work in their specialty.The main sections of Physiology Physiology evolved in different directions, which have acquired independent significance: General physiology studies the physiological processes inherent in all living beings. Sectoral particular physiology studies of physiological processes and functions associated with a particular animal productivity: physiology of lactation, feeding, etc.basic physiological concepts Physiological processes - is a manifestation of the activity of cells, tissues, organs, systems.
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