Analysis of the novel Richard Aldington "Death of a Hero" - Анализ книги

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Analysis of genre nature of the novel. Features of the architectonics of the works Aldington. Characteristics of the specific compositional and story lines. An overview of compositional novelty and music, which reveal the depth of content in the novel.

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Analysis of the novel Richard Aldington Death of a Hero The text under analysis is an extract taken from the novel «Death of a hero» by Richard Aldington, who is one of the most prominent 20th century English writers. His first collection of poems was “Images Old and New” (1915). In later years Aldington devoted himself more to prose and produced several deservedly successful novels, such as “Death of a Hero” (1929), “The Colonels Daughter” (1931), “All Men are Enemies” (1933), “Very Heaven” (1937) and some other books. Some characteristic features of his style can be defined. The subtle lyricism, the rich imagery, the musical rhythm of the description turn the landscape into a passionate rhapsody. There are masterly touches in rich and vivid epithets, which are combined with metaphors. The richness of imagery is developed in effective similes. The alliterations make the text particularly musical. The refinement of learned classical allusions is also characteristic of Aldington. Aldington brings the contrast

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