Analysis of business process based on event logs - Дипломная работа

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Technique of process management that provides the analysis of business process basing on event logs. Algorithm for high-level process model discovery, pseudocode of the algorithm. Any information system record event logs. Examples of plug-in execution.

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(Reachable markings) Let (?,M0) be a marked Petri net in N. A marking M is reachable from the initial marking M0 if and only if there exists a sequence of enabled transitions whose firing leads from M0 to M. The set of reachable markings of (?, M0) is denoted [?, M0?. As a result a Petri net can reproduce each event from an event log it was obtained from. 1.3 Transition Systems State-based models can be used for the formal specification and verification. Then they can be called Transition system (TS) as they reflect the states of a process and transitions between them. Definition 1.5. (Transition system) A labelled state transition system is a triple (S,?,>), where S is a set of states, ? is a set of labels, and >? S???S is a ternary relation.

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