Deals with reading as one of the aspects in teaching ESP. Special attention is paid to fiction, how to select the appropriate text for reading. Has been proposed the list of selection criteria. Used fiction more often in teaching english at law school.
Аннотация к работе
Lviv National University after Ivan Franko Ways of using fiction in teaching ESP A. Artsyshevska PhD, Candidate of philology, Docent of the Department of Foreign Languages for the Humanities N. Hrynya PhD, Candidate of philology, a teacher of the Department of Foreign Languages for the Humanities Reading fiction plays a vital role in ESP development. Reading is considered to have strong influence on formation of the language skills and also the whole personality of the student. It is believed that fiction enhances language learning, creates a positive atmosphere in the classroom and gives the feeling that language learning is instructive and enjoyable. The aim of this article is to study aspects of using fiction in teaching ESP. To reach this aim we will fulfill the following tasks: to identify the reasons for using fiction in teaching ESP; to outline the main principles of selecting fiction for ESP; to specify language features of the selected book; to classify and analyze a variety of activities that can be