Узаемадзеянне беларускай мовы і культуры народа дапамогай фразеалагізмаў. Даследаванне канцэпта "адзенне-абутак" як адзін з складнікаў фразеологической карціны свету беларусаў. Культурна-нацыянальнай самасвядомасці і яго фразеологической рэпрэзентацыі.
Аннотация к работе
The article presents linguo-cultural analysis based on the material of a group of Belarusian literary and dialectal phraseological units with the component-name of footwear or its part, which are directly related to the dress code of the culture and embody the meanings with evaluative contents. It has been proved that among the numerous names of footwear and parts of it, only singular lexemes are used as components of phraseological units - бот (сапог, башмак), лапці, галош and абцас (каблук), падметкі, халява, namely the ones that were bestowed with certain symbolic meaning in the pre-phraseological period of existence or used as names for symbols, as, for instance, the lexeme лапти (bast shoes), which carries the symbolic meaning of poverty, underdevelopment, barbarity, lack of civil rights and culture, and functions as a unit of culture. Analysis of the images of phraseological units, created on the basis of the metaphor «лапти» with the selected components, the inner form of these units, symbolic reading of other components, that have already lost their original meaning, have allowed to single out the evaluative component, cultural information of phraseological units, which, as secondary units of language, have become the units of the "language" of culture and convey the reference idea of footwear as units of dress and object code of culture of the Belarusians and express various meanings about the man, as well as meanings of ideological and moral nature. Key words: phraseological unit, component, kind of footwear, dress code of the culture, cultural information, stereotype, reference sample, symbol. (2015), Semantics headdress in the culture and in the language.