Види та методи мотивації в умовах інноваційного розвитку - Статья

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Дослідження змісту, видів і методів мотивації найманих працівників в умовах інноваційного розвитку. Аналіз сутності і змісту мотивації, фундаментальних принципів економічної мотивації. Можливі методи мотивації для умов інноваційного розвитку підприємства.

Аннотация к работе
The essence of motivation for the conditions of innovative development has been revealed, motivation has been offered to consider as the processes of encouraging workers to productive creative work aimed to generation and implementation of innovations, creation of the innovative products, processes, forms of organization, by improving the quality of the labor force to achieve the goals of the enterprises by satisfaction of the needs and achievement of personal goals of each employee. The orientation for innovative economy requires, on the one hand, active implementation of innovation, updating the material and technical base of production, improvement of the organization of production, on the other - finding new approaches for motivation. The motivation system should include effective methods of motivation for all participants of the innovation process, evoke for creative work, create incentives for the formation of competencies relevant requirements of the model innovative development, provide the capacity and willingness to work under conditions of high speed permanent changes, acceleration of scientific and technological progress, fourth industrial revolution. The fundamental principles of economic motivation were defined as correspondences of employees’ income to the conditions of equivalent exchange on labor market: allocation condition of micro-level (the equality between the price of the marginal product of labor and wage), allocation condition of macro-level - the equality of incomes of workers in the terms of equal quality labor force and similar conditions of its use), the reproduction condition (the correspondence of wages to the costs of reproduction of labor force). The system of motivation and choice of the methods for innovative development of motivation must be built in accordance with concretized features of the productive forces and economic relations at the current technological wave, its challenges, the tasks of innovative development of enterprise, qualification requirements for workers by taking into account the needs, values and goals of employees.

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