Transfer features of newspaper texts - Курсовая работа

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Types of translation theory. Definition of equivalence in translation, the different concept; formal correspondence and dynamic equivalence. The usage of different levels of translation in literature texts. Examples translation of newspaper texts.

Аннотация к работе
То avoid the tendency to translate word-for-word, because it misrepresents the original content and spoils the beauty of its form; 4. To open the essence of the translating equivalence as the basis of the communicative identity of the original texts and the translation; 5. To work out the common principles and the peculiarities of construction of the peculiar and special translation theories for the different combinations of languages; 6. To work out the common principles of the scientific description of the translation process as actions of a translator of transforming the original text to the translating text; 7. To open the influence on the translating process of pragmatic and social linguistic factors; 8.To determine the idea the translating norm and to work out the principles. It is common knowledge that in order to provide an adequate translation, he translator must be able to sense nuances in the semantics of both the sourсе-language and target-language texts. Translation experts have recognized three approaches to translation: - translation at the level of word (word- for -word translation) - translation at the level of sentence, and conceptual translation In the first approach, for each word in the Source Language an equivalent word is selected in the Target Language. This type of translation, is effective, especially in translating phrases and proper names such as United Nations, Ministry of Education, Deep Structure, and so on. However, it is problematic at the level of sentence due to the differences in the syntax of source and target languages. Translated texts as a product of this approach are not usually lucid or communicative, and readers will get through the text slowly and uneasily. When translating at the sentence level, the problem of word-for-word translation and, therefore, lack of lucidity will be remedied by observing the grammatical rules and word order in the Target Language while preserving the meaning of individual words. So, sentences such as I like to dance - Мен билеуді жақсы көремін, I think he is clever - Менің ойымша ол жақсы and We were all tired - Біз бәріміз де шаршадық can easily be translated into a target language according to the grammatical rules of that language. Translation at the sentence level may thus be considered the same as the translation at the word level except that the grammatical rules and word order in the Target Language are observed. Text produced following this approach will communicate better compared to word-for-word translation. In conceptual translation, the unit of translation is neither the word nor is it the sentence; rather it is the concept. The best example is the translation of idioms and proverbs such as the following. He gave me a nasty look, Ол маған жаман көзімен қарады,No living man all things can, Ешкім барлық іске шебер бола алмайды, Enough is as good as a feast ,Жақсылықтан жақсылық іздемейді, Не kicked the bucket, Ол шелекті итерді.
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