Methods of foreign language teaching and its relation to other sciences. Psychological and linguistic prerequisites for foreign language teaching. Aims, content and principles language learning. Teaching pronunciation, grammar, speaking and writing.
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Lecture 1. Methods of foreign language teaching and its relation to other sciences Plan 1. Methodology is as a theory of foreign language teaching 2. Links of methods with pedagogics 3. Psychological prerequisites for foreign language teaching 4. Linguistic prerequisites for foreign language teaching 5. Methods of foreign language teaching is closely related to Physiology The aim of the lesson: - to develop innovative approaches and technologies for effective acquiring of communicative skills and habits; - to activate students’ to brainstorm on the questions - to provide a summary of the key items - to link the students experience with learning - to make learning two-way process. Objectives: - to have SS share information and express their standpoints - to help SS learn and practice in a friendly, non-threatening atmosphere - to motivate SS effectively verbalize their thoughts and ideas. Methods of foreign language teaching is understood here as a body of scientifically tested theory concerning the teaching of foreign languages in schools and other educational institutions. It covers 3 main problems; 1. aims of teaching a foreign language 2. content of teaching, i.e. what to teach to attain the aims. 3. methods and techniques of teaching , i.e. how to teach a foreign language to attain the aims in the most effective way. Methods of foreign language teaching is closely related to other sciences such as pedagogics, psychology, physiology, linguistics and some others. Pedagogics is the science concerned with the teaching and education of the younger generation. To study F.L.teaching one must know pedagogics. One branch of pedagogics is called didactics. Methods, as compared to didactics, studies the specific ways of teaching a definite subject. the so called ‘principle of visualization ‘was the first introduced in teaching for Lang-s. Teaching a foreign language means first and foremost the formation and development of pupils’ habits and skills in hearing, speaking, reading and writing. We cannot expect to develop such habits and skills of our pupils effectively if we do not know and take into account the psychology of habits and skills, the ways of forming them, the influence of formerly acquired habits on the formation of new ones and many other necessary factors that psychology can supply us with it. If the teacher wants his pupils to speak English he must use all the opportunities he has to make them hear and speak. Furthermore, to muster a second language is to acquire another code, another way of receiving and transmitting information. To create this new code in the most effective way one must take into consideration certain psychological factors. Effective learning of a foreign language depends to a great extent on pupils’ memory. That is why a teacher must know how he can help his pupils to successfully memorize and retain in memory the language material they learn. Here are psychological investigations are significant. For example, psychologist P.K. Zinchenko proved that in learning a subject both voluntary and involuntary memory is of great importance. In his investigation of involuntary memory he came to the conclusion that this memory is retentive. Consequently, in teaching a foreign language we should create favourable conditions for involuntary memorizing. P.K. Zinchenko showed that involuntary memorizing is possible only when pupils’ attention is concentrated not on fixing the material in their memory through numerous repetitions, but on solving some mental problems which deal with this material. Questions: (Use your experience as a learner to answer these questions if you are not yet teaching.) Do you agree that successful English teachers usually speak English in class? Do you agree that they give much more time to practice than to explanation? Do you agree that teacher co-operation in an English language department is important? Methodological recommendations: Lecture delivering is tended to the students development of the professional creation and self-education activity. The quality of the lecture and its delivering depends on a range of factors: the lectures social activity, desire to work and socialize with the students, teaching skills, general and professional level of culture, intellect, knowledge and behaviour norms. One of the professionally significant features of the lecturer is his / her speech etiquette: oral and written. During the oral presentation of the lecture the language pronunciation, grammar norms should be observed alongside with the expressive non-verbal means as: intonation: accent, pausation, gestures etc. Interactive method of teaching students-lecturer / presupposes setting problem questions, ability to listen and understand the students and to answer the students questions. Writing summary: A summary is the expression in a condensed form of the principal content of any piece of writing. In other words the summarizer should briefly render the main idea in his