The United States of America - Реферат

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The United States began as a nation of 13 states. The original 13 colonies were then located in the area today occupied by 16 states and 34 other states were admitted to union one by one.

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The United States began as a nation of 13 states. These were the colonies which had broken away from Great Britain in 1776 and fought a six- year War Independence. The original 13 colonies were then located in the area today occupied by 16 states and 34 other states were admitted to union one by one. Washington, in the District of Columbia, is the national capital. It was named in honor of George Washington, the 1-st US president. The whole country west of the original 13 states was surveyed in regular blocks, a mile square. This way of dividing the land is reflected in the borders of the states. One of the famous symbols of the USA is the Statue of Liberty. Another symbol is the American flag, which is often called “The Stars and Stripes”. As there are 50 states in America there are 50 stars on the American flag: one star for each state. It also has seven red stripes and six white stripes. There is one stripe for each of the first 13 colonies of the United States. Columbus Day is a great holiday in America.
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