The transition from selling to managing - Реферат

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From selling to managing. Five critical differences between selling and managing. The cycle of managing. Planning. Developing a plan of action. Implementing the plan. Key accounts. The appraisal process. The control function. Effective communications.

Аннотация к работе
The Ministry of Science and Education of the Russian Federation Togliatti Social-Economic college REPORT TOPIC: The transition from selling to managing SOURSE: “The transition from selling to managing” by Student: Mustaeva P.S. Group: F-32 Teacher: Alferova L.A. Togliatti 2005 Contents: 1. Introduction 2. From selling to managing · Five critical differences between selling and managing · The cycle of managing 3. Planning: the first step · Developing a plan of action 4. Implementing the plan · Key accounts 5. The appraisal process · The informal appraisal · The formal appraisal 6. The control function 7. Effective communications · Downward communications · Upward communications 8. Conclusion Introduction The topic of my report is “The transition from selling to managing”. This topic is rather urgent now days, because problem of transition occurs frequently in sales organization. Most field sales managers have been sales people far longer than they have been managers; consequently, the transition from salespeop
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