The concept and characteristics of the transaction. System of the rules operating social relations in the field of civil movement. Classification of transactions of various types. The validity of the transaction is recognized for it as a legal fact.
Аннотация к работе
The transactions in civil law Content Introduction 1.The concept and characteristics of the transaction 2. Classification of transactions 3. The conditions of validity of transactions Conclusion Bibliography Introduction Civil law - a system of rules governing social relations in the field of civilian traffic. Through the transactions carried out by the regulatory process of property relations in society: citizens enjoy the services of consumer services, retail trade, transport, dispose of their property. Different organizations will enter into a relationship to the supply of goods, construction, transport of goods, procurement of necessary materials, etc. Citizens and legal persons that perform a variety of actions, which arise as a result, modified and terminated the rights and responsibilities. Civil law is the regulation of commodity-money relations and other participants who are equal, separate and independent from each other. The primary legal tool string and determine the content of the relations between these actors is the deal. The relevance is that the deal - the legal means by which the socially and economically equal and independent actors establish their rights and responsibilities, ie legal limits of freedom of behavior. Transactions play in public life, multifaceted role. Therefore, the principle of civil law, admissibility of - validity of any transaction not prohibited by law, ie triggered the principle of freedom of transactions. The purpose of the work - to the notion of a transaction, to show its importance at the present stage of development of our country, consider the types of transactions and their powers, as well as to consider the grounds voidability transactions. To achieve the goal, we use the following tasks: 1. Search and explore the relevant topic literature; 2. Give the notion of transactions in civil law; 3. Consider the types and conditions for the validity of transactions; 4. Expand the general conditions of the invalidity of transactions and the consequences of recognition of the transaction null and void; 5. Explore the grounds negligibility (absolute invalidity) and the grounds voidability (relative invalidity) transactions.