The phenomenon of "implicit order" of in-depth cognition of the psyche - Статья

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Phenomenological nature of the wholeness of the psyche. The binomial nature of the psyche’s organisation system. Тhe conscious and the unconscious spheres’ inherence principle. The essence of "implicit order" as the category of the psyche"s activity.

Аннотация к работе
этой категории порядка активности психического способствует уточнению и довершению структурной Модели внутренней динамики психики подструктурными элементами: Невидимый горизонт и Имплицитный порядок (обозначено точками между сознательным и бессознательным). Statement of the Problem. The article presents the research results aimed at gaining cognition of the adultss psyche in its wholeness. The psychodynamic approach, mentioned in the article, was founded in 1978 [7]. The study was designed to develop a method of depth cognition of the psyche in its wholeness, synthesising scientific-practical achievements within various psychological approaches, oriented not only towards pure scientific studies, but, above all, towards the provision of real help for people. The issue of an adequate understanding of the psyche of socially adapted people, requiring help in the individualised psychocorrection, which aims at catalysis of the personal growth and self-actualisation, has been left open for an extended period. Initially, educators represented the first group of researchers, however, since 1990, psychologists who need personal correction because of their professional orientation to providing help to other people, added up to the group. Development of the method of Active Social-Psychological Cognition (ASPC) presupposed focussing on the disclosure of the whole psyche functioning patterns. Over the years, depth studies of the psyche have been conducted in a spiral shape: from a theory into practice - from generalisation of the practical results - back to the theory etc. Consequently, in resolving the issues remaining significant for more than thirty years of research, the focus has been placed on methodological principles, which contributed to the individualisation of diagnostic- instrumental aspects of the ASPC correctional process rather than on techniques of working with people. Recognition of the wholeness of the psyche in its self- organising abilities, as the fundamental issue of the psychodynamic methodology, has exacerbated the problem of the implicit order category disclosure. In Latin, the word implicitus, later form of implicatus meant hidden, implied but not plainly expressed; one that is clearly not opened; that do not find by a cursory observation [2, p. 230]. The aim of the article is an attempt to reveal the central sequence of systemic organisation of the whole psyche with its preconscious formations. The latters have been preset by the effects of displacement and are fixed in the corresponding power centres, which integrate and create preconditions for the emergence of the “implicit order”, where the interconnection of two spheres of the conscious/ the unconscious is rooted. Methods The findings, presented in the article, are based on the analysis of the verbatim material of the psyches depth studies during the process of Active Social-Psychological Cognition. The main presentation The conscious and the unconscious arise and function through a binomial system of relations. The duality of the human psyche’s structure the conscious/the unconscious has remained an insufficiently studied issue. The causes concerning the fact that none of the psyche’s spheres cannot fuctionally substitute for each other, as well as be studied without considering the other part of the structure, are still unresolved. The conscious and the unconscious psyche structures exclude one another reciprocally on a functional level and concurrently maintain their interrelationship within the unified system of the psyche’s wholeness, without which they completely cease to exist as the psyche. The conscious psyche, as well as the unconscious one, gives meaning to a subject’s involuntary action, not because of (or through) the removal of contradictions, but due to the activity within their controversial nature. A. Sheroziya demonstrates that the binomial system of relations can serve a fundamental principle of the conscious and the unconscious inerrelation [4, p. 355]. We associate this interrelation in psychodynamic paradigm with the concept of the implicit order, relating to the boundary (horizon) of reciprocal influences of the conscious and the unconscious. Consciousness produces its own attitude to such formations of the psyche through the person’s attitude to themselves and to everything around. Therefore, the psychodynamic paradigm of the dialogic interaction in the scheme P.^R. is built just based on these principles. The consciousness may be interpreted as using the defence system to mask the controversial nature of the psyche. Because of the image symbols such as reveries, art, religion, dreams, lucid dreams etc., the conscious ackowledges exoginous manifestation of the mysterious desires under conditions of masking (hiding) their contents, which are protected by resistance not allowing any access to the latent contents of the psyche.
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