The personality’s professional self-identification issue in modern psychology - Статья

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The basic mechanisms of professional identity of the personality. Studying the process of self-determination, which implies a conscious career choice based on activation of the internal potential of the personality. The indicators of self-identification.

Аннотация к работе
УДК 159.9.07 The personalitys professional self-identification issue in modern psychology L.A. Afanasenko Annotation The basic mechanisms of professional identity of the personality are presented. It is studied that the problem form the basis for the process of professional self-determination, which implies a conscious career choice based on activation of the internal potential of the personality. It is found that the professional self-determination is conditioned by the formation of personality’s professional orientations, the modeling of his future in the form of professional image standards construction, the correlation between obtained information about the future profession and personal capabilities. It is concluded that the rationality of professional self-determination depends on the formation of future profession image which correlates with the image of «Me». The professional self-identity is discovered as a semantic condition of professionalism formation that reflects the level of human mastering the psychological structure of professional activities and providing of personality’s natural quality in self-realization. The notion is defined by serving an indicator of the internal maturity of the individual as a manifestation of professional self-identification, providing some stabilizing functions of socialization and integration of subject-object relations in professional activities. It is studied that the indicators of professional self-identification are the professional «Me»-image (image of oneself as a specialist), the image of profession (image of the profession, its contents, tasks, functions, value) and awareness by the subject of the correlation system of functioning of these concepts as a basis for further self-identity in professional activities. Представлено основні механізми професійної самоідентифікації особистості. Зроблено висновок про те, що раціональність професійного самовизначення залежить від формування образу майбутньої професії, який співвідноситься з образом «Я». Исследовано, что эта проблема положена в основу процесса профессионального самоопределения, который предусматривает осознанный акт выбора профессии на основе активизации внутреннего потенциала личности.
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