The payment system in Kazakhstan - Курсовая работа

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Methodological aspects of payment systems research. Feauters of the development of payment system in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Development rations card payment system in the Republic of Kazakhstan and the modern condition of the market payment card.

Аннотация к работе
Bankovni institut vysoka skola Praha Banking Management The Payment System in Kazakhstan Bachelor’s degree work Author: Amir Gimadiyev Banking Management Supervisor: Ing. Marcela Soldanova Praha April 2015 Declaration I declare that I elaborated my bachelor?s degree work independently and I stated all the literature used. I attest by my signature that the submitted electronic version of the work is identical with its printed version, and I am aware of the fact that the work will be archived in the library of the BIVS, and further, made accessible to third persons through the internal database of electronic university works. Annotation The research objective is the organization and development of payment system in the Republic of Kazakhstan. The theoretical and methodological basis of work was made by the provisions containing in the works of Kazakh and foreign economists. The logic and structure of the thesis are defined by the purpose and objective research. The thesis consists of introduction, three chapters, conclusion and bibliography. Key words: Payment system, foreign economists, the National Bank, banking terminals Content payment card kazakhstan market Introduction Selected method of elaboration 1. Theoretical aspects of payment systems research 2. The development of payment system in the Republic of Kazakhstan 2.1 The concept of payment system 2.1.1 Market electronic banking services 2.1.2 Internet-banking system 2.1.3 Mobile banking 2.2 Development rations card payment system in the Republic of Kazakhstan and the modern condition of the market payment card 3. Interbank payment operations in the Republic of Kazakhstan 3.1 Interbank money-transfer system 3.2 Interbank Clearing System Conclusion List of literature Annexes Introduction The relevance of this topic is determined by the role of the payment system in the economic life of any country. This topic is relevant today because interbank payments, including foreign banks, are widespread. Banking institutions are very diverse. In a modern society banks are engaged in various types of operations, they not only provide cash flow and credit relations, but also finance the national economy, sale and purchase of securities and brokerage services. Financial and credit institutions provide advice, are involved in discussing legislative and economic programs, lead the statistics and carry out the various operations with the individuals and legal entities. The role of payment system as the main mediator in cash flows has increased. The economics of any state is a widely branched network of complex relationships within the entities. The basis for these relationships is billing and payments in the process. The country’s payment system is an essential element of the market economy, which are implemented through various economic opportunities. Payment system between the various counterparties and economic agents, ensuring the regularity and continuity of payments are essential conditions for the functioning of the economy. Cash and payments arrangements carried out mainly by banks, are reflected almost all kinds of economic relations in society. Organization of correspondence relations is one of the problems of development banking. Selected method of elaboration The research objective is the organization and development of payment system in the Republic of Kazakhstan. For this goal the following tasks have been set: • to consider the concept of payment system and stages of formation of payment system in the Republic of Kazakhstan; • to investigate forms of use of payment cash cards, their classification and the main international payment systems; • to track stages of the development of payment system of Kazakhstan and to estimate a current state of the market of payment cards in the republic; • to explore world experience of the development and improvement of payment systems; • to consider the prospects for development of payment system in Kazakhstan. The theoretical and methodological basis of work was made by the provisions containing in the works of Kazakh and foreign economists. The logic and structure of the thesis are defined by the purpose and objective research. The thesis consists of introduction, three chapters, conclusion and bibliography. 1. Theoretical aspects of payment systems research The effectiveness function of financial markets and the banking sector of the economy depend on the payment system of the country. Its criteria, consistent with needs of the economy, are speed of the payments, the reliability and the degree of automation systems, the management of the risks in the implementation of the banking operations. An efficient payment system is built by the factors that affect its development, principles that ensure the interests of its subjects, and an adequate tool.1 Payment system constitutes the institutional an orderly combination of economic relations, folding between the various economic actors in balance-of-payments. Payment system
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